Sex is good for prostatitis: the role and influence of sexual intercourse in treatment


The intimate life for a man is of great importance, it is an indicator of his strength, self-confidence, so if a penis malfunction occurs, then it becomes a great stress for him. One of the most common urological diseases in strong sex is prostatitis. But even with this diagnosis, the man does not want to stop having sex and therefore asks the question, "Is sex useful for prostatitis? " Experts do not give a definitive answer to their patients. But they all believe that total abstinence can only make things worse.

When making this diagnosis, it is important to take into account the stage of the disease, the cause of the inflammation, the presence of other diseases, therefore, an individual treatment is chosen for each man.

This article will discuss whether sex is useful for prostatitis, how often you can have it and what the contraindications are in this case. And also how to quickly get rid of an urgent illness.

Prostatitis. What is it?

Man with prostatitis

This is a urological disease, which is an inflammation of the prostate, only representatives of the strong half of humanity are susceptible to it. Previously, the pathology occurred in older men, but now it can appear in young people.

Reasons for prostatitis:

  1. Constant stress, worries, fights.
  2. Frequent hypothermia.
  3. Lack of physical activity, sedentary work.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. Unstable work of the gastrointestinal tract - frequent constipation.
  6. Reduced immunity
  7. Inflammation of the genitourinary system, kidneys.
  8. Bad habits, like alcohol and smoking.
  9. Age-related changes in the body.
  10. Irregular food, an abundance of fast food, fatty foods.
  11. Obesity.

All of these factors can contribute to prostate inflammation in men. In addition, prolonged abstinence from sex or intimate life very often has a negative effect.

Sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, can cause prostatitis. This usually occurs during unprotected sex with an infected partner or when a poor quality contraceptive has been purchased.

If prostatitis is not treated, the cause of its onset is not eliminated and, over time, the disease progresses and irreversible consequences may occur. With this situation neglected, recovery will take years and, during this, some restrictions in the intimate sphere will be necessary.

The acute stage of the disease is easy to notice, because the symptoms are pronounced. But if prostatitis has become chronic, it is difficult to determine, because the symptoms are practically not present. To detect the disease in this case, the doctor prescribes special tests.

Man at urologist consultation

Symptoms of prostatitis

Let's consider the main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Violation of urination, a small dose of urine, sometimes even drops.
  2. Frequent going to the bathroom associated with the feeling of not emptying the bladder.
  3. Blood or other secretion in the urine.
  4. Pain in Organs genitals during ejaculation, uncontrolled ejaculation, appearing early or very late.
  5. Lack of erection, excitement, attraction to the partner.

When to see a doctor?

Symptoms appear during an exacerbation of the disease. But they can decrease during intimacy or exercise. Pain can only be eliminated by removing inflammation of the prostate. Therefore, you will need to contact a specialist, pass the necessary exams, take a course in medication and therapeutic treatment. In addition, some doctors recommend regular sex and traditional methods.

The effect of sex on a man diagnosed with prostatitis

What is the use of sex for prostatitis? A man's intimate life has a positive effect on almost his entire body. For example, during intimacy, hormones are produced that help maintain immunity. It is this fact that helps to prevent many diseases, the same prostatitis.

But not all men with this disease can have sex. In fact, in some cases, excessive friction or irritation is undesirable.

What is the use of sex for prostatitis? The intimate life with this disease prevents the retention of semen in the gland, which is one of the causes of inflammation. This stagnation and the presence of microorganisms can lead to the appearance of stones, which are removed only by surgery, since the pills, in this case, are ineffective.

Prostatitis affects sex and how? The intimate process increases blood flow to the genitals, oxygen and nutrients. Thus, the reproductive system is strengthened, its protective properties increase.

It can be considered that sex, as a prevention of prostatitis, is a very effective remedy, and also helps in the treatment in the early stages. During intimate proximity, iron is actively reduced and, along with the secret, harmful microorganisms that have arisen due to the inflammatory process are removed from it.

During ejaculation, the gland begins to produce hormones that are so necessary for the male body.

Elderly couple in bed


Why is sex useful for prostatitis? Outside the complicated stage of the disease, intimacy has the following positive effects:

  1. Increases the body's resistance.
  2. A man's psychological and emotional history is normalized.
  3. Preventing the formation of various diseases, such as cancer, heart attack or diabetes.
  4. After intimacy, man becomes more confident in himself, his self-esteem increases, he feels desirable.
  5. The hormone of happiness is produced, thanks to which the guy feels a wave of strength and energy, his mood increases.
  6. Intimacy can have anesthetic effects.
  7. Sex prolongs human life, improves the cardiovascular system.
  8. During sex, calories are burned, which helps you lose weight.

Consequently, the influence of prostatitis on sex outside the exacerbation phase practically does not occur, but, on the contrary, intimacy brings remission of the disease closer. But, as with any treatment, you need to follow some recommendations.

Frequency of sexual intercourse

How often can you have sex with prostatitis? It is best to consult a specialist regarding the number of sexual relations with this disease, because in the different stages everything is individual. The basic rule for everyone is not very often and not infrequently, and during an exacerbation it is better to abstain.

Expert recommendations:

  1. All intimate relationships should be made only with a constant and healthy partner; this is the only way to obtain the maximum physical and emotional benefits.
  2. The number of sexual intercourse per week should be about 4 times. That is, regular sex is shown with prostatitis.
  3. Ejaculation should be natural, without delay.
  4. If the anxiety subsides, sometimes you can take special medications.
  5. If prostatitis was caused by a genital infection, after getting rid of it, sex should still be protected.
  6. A variety of classic intimacy, the same anal contact, has a positive effect on the prostate.
  7. Gland massage also contributes to a positive dynamic in the treatment of the disease. You can do this yourself.
  8. In the absence of a permanent sexual partner, it is recommended to masturbate for ejaculation, as it is necessary to remove the stagnant fluid.
  9. When pain occurs, sexual intercourse is stopped immediately.
Intimacy of an elderly couple

Contraindications for sex with disease

If an intimate life without exacerbating the disease only helps in the treatment, the inflammation itself does not always have a positive effect on the intimate life. Contraindications for which you should abstain from sex:

  1. Without excitement, the penis does not rise.
  2. Unbearable pain.
  3. The presence of genitourinary diseases in a regular partner.
  4. No ejaculation occurs.
  5. There is no permanent partner, so you need to change them frequently. It is very important to avoid this, because all girls have different vaginal microflora, which men "get used to" over time, and during sex with different women the reaction of Organs genitals may be different. This is how prostatitis affects sex.

If there are contraindications for sexual intercourse, you need to feel free to masturbate. The sensations will not be the same as during sex, but will have a positive effect on the treatment.

The closeness of a man and a woman

Disease prevention and sex

Is it good to have sex for prostatitis? Yes, just because there is an opinion that its total absence can lead to infertility or male impotence. But it is not necessary to have sex constantly, as in this process it is important to help the gland to get rid of excess fluid, and this can be done by masturbation. But in the second case, incomplete emptying of the prostate and a lack of emotional pleasure are possible. You can replace intimacy not only with masturbation, but also with massage. The latter can be done independently, but it is better to consult a specialist.

Useful tips

But not all men can trust a stranger to perform a procedure as intimate as prostate massage. Therefore, you can take special courses with your soul mate.

The best treatment of the disease can only be its prevention, so it is important to adhere to an active lifestyle, abandon harmful foods and habits, have sex regularly with a regular partner, be less nervous and take vitamins with decreaseimmunity.

Sex is good for chronic prostatitis

The disease can be in several stages. But when she is in a chronic condition, the man must know that sex is not only necessary, but also useful. The intimate life, in this case, is a good prevention of the transition from the disease to the acute form. During sexual intercourse, natural irritation of the prostate occurs, which helps to get rid of the stagnant fluid in the gland and in its general condition.

But the main thing is that sex is protected so that harmful microorganisms do not migrate to women.

Man with prostatitis after sex

Treatment of the disease

The fight against prostatitis is not just about intimacy. The man should consult a specialist to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment tactics. The first thing that any doctor will advise are medications that can quickly eliminate symptoms. Most popular drugs:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Herbal infusions (peony, nettle, St. John's wort, burdock).
  4. Hormonal agents.

Antibacterial agents are needed only for those who, in addition to inflammation, have harmful microorganisms; in its absence, such a medicine will only do harm. After the destruction of the pathogenic microflora, the inflammation is removed.

Anti-inflammatories aim to eliminate the pain syndrome. Herbal preparations are excellent diuretics that facilitate urination, remove bacteria and increase urine volume.

Hormonal and physiotherapeutic treatments

Remedies for prostatitis

Hormonal drugs are needed only for men with severe disabilities. These funds normalize the functioning of the prostate, have immunomodulatory properties and increase potency. But you need to take these drugs only as prescribed by the doctor and according to the schedule. The uncontrolled use of hormonal agents can lead to significant failure of some systems in the body.

In addition to medication, physical therapy is an effective method. They are needed only for those patients in whom the disease stage is chronic. The procedures will help to improve blood circulation in the penis, normalize metabolism and metabolism.

These methods include magnetic, laser, ultrasound therapy, massage and electrophoresis. These procedures have advantages and contraindications, so their use is not recommended without a prescription.

In addition to physical therapy, medications and alternative methods of treatment can be used. But they must come as a complement to the main treatment.


Is sex good for prostatitis? Responding to the question, we can conclude that outside the exacerbation phase, intimate life will contribute to the treatment of the disease. So make sure you make love for your health!